What is Reiki?

Rei- Divine wisdom, guidance, direction, knowing.

Ki- Life force energy, the loving, unseen energy that surrounds and permeates everything living and non-living.

Reiki is a mind-body, hands on relaxation method where life force energy is used to assist the balancing of self and others on all levels (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual).

Receiving Reiki therapy is like the relaxed feeling your body gets after a massage or soaking in a warm tub. With Reiki  you remain fully clothed and the practitioner gently places hands on or near various areas of your body to help balance your energy.

Reiki therapy provides holistic and natural benefits for people and animals. It allows for the restoration and maintenance of balance, physically, emotionally, and energetically.

What Can Reiki Therapy Do For You?

  • Relieve tension and stress that have taken up residence in your body
  • Return a hyperactive mind to a natural state of focus and clarity
  • Change a volatile emotional state to one of serenity and confidence
  • Provide relief from joint pain, headaches, and other physical manifestations of stress

Listen to what my clients have to say about their sessions:

I had been suffering with pain on my right side for many years when I came to Mac for a Reiki session. As she worked on my right shoulder the pain shifted onto my left side and suddenly vanished. I left the session being free of pain for the first time in years.
— Maroan D.
At my first hourly session with Mac she asked me what I would like her to work on and I told her stomach area. I was surprised when she began to work on my eyes. Having dry eyes I had seen my doctor a few days before and we discussed having a procedure to remove the eye stents that I had inserted, but had dislodged and was causing pain in both eyes. 30 minutes after Mac left, the stents gently moved to the corner of my eyes and I was able to remove them with a tissue. I have continued to have hourly sessions with Mac and I cannot express in words the benefits that I have received.
— Jo V.
I hurt my knee by twisting it at an odd angle and then hurt it again before it was healed. I ended up wearing a brace to prevent movement. I saw Mac to help relieve the pain as even pain medicine was not helping sufficiently. When she put her hands near the knee the pain increased to such an extent that I asked her to stop. She moved her hands to my foot and ankle and immediately the pain ceased. When she finished with the Reiki treatment I asked her if I could go without the brace and she said it was up to me, so I did not replace the brace and the pain did not come back. My knee felt fine after that session.
— Dr. Robert G.
I arranged for Distant Healing from Mac as I had been given an Ultra Sound on my Uterus and a mass was found. My MD gave me the name of a Specialist and I made an appointment for the following week. The Specialist took additional tests as well as his own Ultra Sound and two days later called to tell me that if there was a mass it was now gone. I am very grateful for my Reiki Distant Healing.
— Stacey M.
My session with Mac was arranged by my wife, and I had no expectations that it would help. I was assured if nothing else I would feel more relaxed during and after the session. I have suffered from Inflammatory Bowel Disease for the past 10 years and was going through another bout of inflammation with painful constipation. During the session I felt something moving within my intestine and the inflammation ended and went into remission. I have seen Mac since and each time I have received relief.
— Dylan C.